Adding the App
From the Website
From the Zoom App Marketplace
- Visit the Zoom App Marketplace and sign in.
- Search for Quelpr Tutoring.
- Click "Quelpr Tutoring" and then click "Add."
Scopes Required by Quelpr Tutoring
- meeting:read- Used to verify created meetings.
- meeting:write- Used to create meetings on your behalf.
- user:read- Used to view your user ID and email to verify when you start a session meeting.
Use Cases
When you create a session with a student, or make a booking with a tutor (that accepts the booking),
Quelpr will create a new meeting for you and email the details to both parties.
When you authorize Quelpr's access to your Zoom account, your user ID and email are retrieved and
stored. This data is used to verify that you act as the host of the meeting.
When you start, join, leave or end a meeting created by Quelpr Tutoring, we will record the details
to ensure that the occurrence and completion of the meting can be verified.
Removing the App
- Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
- Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the "Quelpr Tutoring" App.
- Click the "Quelpr Tutoring" App
- Click Remove.